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明品生活网:亚非拉文化艺术研究院启动筹备 再次回头眺望“第三世界”

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非洲当代思想家、《瞭望》杂志曾评选的全球百位知识分子排名第八的马哈茂德·马姆达尼(Mahmood Mamdani)

  “还清楚地记得去年的欢迎辞中我回溯了与我同岁的万隆会议,第三世界话语及其代表的独立自主的国际思潮在我的成长生涯中的幽漫记忆。”中国美术学院院长许江在开幕致辞中重申了万隆会议的重要意义。“我们进入二十一世纪已经16年了,特普朗的当选挽救了我的中年危机。”中国美术学院副院长高士明则强烈意识到二十一世纪已经奠基,新世纪的端倪已现,但是我们连工具箱都还没有准备好“改变已经发生,但是各位同仁,我们准备好了吗?”他希望大家可以认真思考这个正在自我奠基的世纪,链接多方力量为感受力、创造力开辟出一片新的战略空间。2016年12月21日上午,亚非拉文化艺术研究院启动筹备大会在中国美术学院象山校区水岸山居会议室启动,本次会议由中国美术学院、亚际书院主办,接续2015年“万隆•第三世界六十年”系列论坛所初步搭建起来的交流平台,亚际书院进一步推出“2016第三世界行动计划”,“第三世界行动计划”国际学术会议意在重新探究“第三世界”文化在新世纪语境中的思想变化,进而从这些累积和变化中发展出多异的思想模式与知识系统,在全球新语境中为“亚非拉”找到重新奠基的土壤。这次会议邀请到了非洲当代思想家,《瞭望》杂志曾评选的全球百位知识分子排名第八的马哈茂德·马姆达尼(Mahmood Mamdani)前来与中国学界进行深入讨论,同时马哈茂德·马姆达尼的新书《界而治之》隆重出版,开启“亚非拉现代思想文丛”出版计划;为纪念萨姆•莫约与陈映真而举行“后万隆时代的第三世界方案”纪念会;启动“亚非拉文化艺术研究院”,分别以亚非拉具有重要影响力的学术思想刊物和社会研究机构为载体,展开实质性的联结;并就“一带一路”与全球化新模式、中国在非洲等议题展开讨论,共同为亚非拉文化艺术研究院构建问题库与未来工作规划。“2016第三世界行动计划”将以流动的形式,先后在北京、杭州、上海展开为期近十天的学术活动。




欢迎辞:许 江(中国美术学院院长,教授)主 持:高世名(中国美术学院副院长,教授)

Opening Speech: XU Jiang (President, China Academy of Art)Moderator: GAO Shiming (Vice President, China Academy of Art)

09:30 -12:30


Asia-Africa-Latin America Alliance & Imaginationin the Post-Bandung Context主持:陈光兴(亚际书院/台湾交通大学教授,新竹)




Moderator: CHEN Kuan-Hsing(Inter-Asia School Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu)

Speakers: Mahmood MAMDANI(Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Colombia University in New York City and Professor and Director of Makerere Institute of Social Research in Uganda)

Partha CHATTERJEE(Centre for Studies in Social Sciences,Calcutta Columbia University)

JOMO Kwame Sundaram(Tun Hussein On Chair in International Studies at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia Visiting Fellow at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University)

Daniel Alejandro MATO(National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina)

Monica BRUCKMANN (Professor at the Department of Political Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


14:00 -18:00


Roundtable discussion: Approaches to a Bandung School主持:高世名(中国美术学院副院长,教授)张颂仁(亚际书院,香港)






Moderator:GAO Shiming (Vice President, China Academy of art)

CHANG Tsong-zung(Inter-Asia School, Hong Kong)

Speakers: CHU Yunhan(Academia Sinica National Taiwan University)Praveen JHA(Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning and Adjunct Profess or at School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, NewDelhi, India)HU Daping(Professor of Philosophy at Nanjing University)

Rachmi Diyah LARASATI(University of Minnesota Jogjakata,Indonesia) Nishant SHAH(Founder and Director of Research for the Bangalore-based Centre for Internetand Society, India) (by skype)CHEN Kuan-Hsing(Inter-Asia School Chiao TungUniversity, Hsinchu)

JOMO Kwame Sundaram (Tun Hussein On Chair in International Studies at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia Visiting Fellow at theInitiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University)Partha CHATTERJEE(Centre for Studies in Social Sciences,Calcutta Columbia University)Mahmood MAMDANI(Makerere University, Uganda Columbia University)

Daniel Alejandro MATO(National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina)Monica BRUCKMANN(Professor at the Department of Political Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)




期刊连带:亚非拉的知识框架和思想运动Journal Alliance: Knowledge framework and Intellectual Movements





Moderator:WANG Chih-ming(Inter-Asia Cultural Studies associate research fellow at Academia Sinica, Taipei)YEON Gwang-Seok(Columbia University)

Panelists: Quarterly Changbi (BAIK Ji-woon)Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (Partha CHATTERJEE)The MISR Review(Mahmood MAMDANI)Hwanghae Review (PAIK Won-Dam)Refeng Xueshu (NI Wei) DuShu (WEI Chun)Open Times (LIU Zhaohua)Renjian Thought Review (Simplified Chinese Version) (GAO Shiming)Renjian Thought Review (Traditional Chinese Version) (KUO Jia)Beijing Cultural Review (XU Shuming)People's Publishing House (LIN Min)




Exercise in Possibilities: Proposals for「Another World Center」


Moderator:CHEN Kuan-Hsing(Inter-Asia School Chiao Tung University,Hsinchu) GAO Shiming(Vice President, China Academy of Art)




圆桌讨论:Round-table discussion:

发言:全体与会者Speakers: All participants





  1980年代末期,随着全球冷战的逐渐式微,我们承继前辈们筚路蓝缕的工作,试图在亚洲邻近地区(南亚、东南亚、东北亚),将分散的思想界重新联结起来,克服殖民、帝国与冷战所造成的多重分化与阻隔,寻求新的团结与连带之可能。通过《亚际文化研究》(Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements)国际刊物近二十年的运作,我们在小范围内慢慢搭建起一个松散的知识网络,以学术讲座、会议、暑期班等形式,推动持续性的思想分享和知识积累。2006年,东亚批判刊物会议正式启动,这是第一个亚洲批判知识分子的思想联动平台。2010年我们更进一步启动“西天中土”计划,推动印度与中国之间的社会思想对话。两年后,我们发起“亚洲现代思想”计划,将亚洲各地一起工作的知识机构连接起来,成立亚洲思想界连带组织“亚际书院”。




与会者简介(Participants’ Resume)

  Anaheed AL-HARDAN

  Anaheed Al-Hardan is an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut. Her research interests are in the areas of collective memories and remembrance, decolonial, indigenous and feminist of color theory, modern Arab intellectual and political history and imperialism and anti-imperialist social movements. She joins the Department from the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, where she was a Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-13). Prior to the ICI, she was a Palestinian American Research Center Doctoral Fellow in Damascus (2007-08) and a researcher on the Global Networks Project at the Institute for International Integration Studies in Trinity College, University of Dublin (2006-07). She has also previously taught in the Department of Sociology at Trinity College, University of Dublin, where she completed her doctoral dissertation (2011). Her The Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities is being published by Columbia University Press in 2016.



  Malik BAIR

  An Iraqi/German lawyer who specialises in different branches of law. After completing his graduate studies in London, he joined a Frankfurt-based law firm where he advised international clients on stock corporation and capital markets law. In 2012, he opened his own law practice in Berlin which focuses on German administrative, criminal and refugee law. He also joined the team of a German corporate law firm focusing on the Arab world and has been the main coordinator of their Basra office in southern Iraq since 2014.



  BAIK Jiwoon

  Baik Jiwoon is Humanities Korea Professor at the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS) at Seoul National University (SNU). She earned her Ph.D. degree with a dissertation on Liang Qichao’s enlightenment thought and Chinese modernity discourse. Her recent interest mainly focuses on the comparative studies of modern East Asian culture and thought. Her publication includes Thinking of Unification and Peace from the Cross Strait (co. ed.), "Unravelling the Chains of Violence into an Alliance: Discovering Okinawa Literature"(Critical Reviews of History), "Murakami Haruki and the historical memory of East Asia" (Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2010) and "East Asian perspective on Taiwanese Identity" (Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2010). She also translated several books in this field, such as Takeuchi Yoshimi's Japan and Asia, Chen Kuan-hsing's The Eye of the Empire, and Marukawa Tetsushi's Regionalism and Han Shao Gong's essays and literary works.



  BAIK Young-seo

  Baik Youngseo is Professor at Department of History and Dean of School of Literature,Yonsei University . He was co-editor of the Quarterly Changbi, and was the former president of China Society of Modern and Contemporary History (South Korea). His recent works include: Horizontal View of East Asia: Rethink the East Asian History in the Core Site, (Taiwan:linking Publishing ,2016), Return to East Asia: To Explore China’s Modernity (Seoul: Group Creation Agency, 2000), Post-East Asia (co-ed.) (Tokyo: Works Agency, 2006), The Thought of East Asia: History and Practice of Korean Peninsula Vision (Taipei: Taiwan Publishing House, 2009; Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2011), See Taiwan: South Korea and Taiwan Jointly Seek a New Path (co-ed.) (Seoul: Group Creation Agency, 2012), Rethink the East Asian History in the Core Site: The Practice Topic of Symbiotic Society (Seoul: Group Creation Agency, 2013) , Social Humanities Road: The Academy as the System and the Movement (Seoul: Group Creation Agency, 2014). His present research focuses on the comparative study of the East Asia narration and the histriography of East Asia in the 20th century.


  韩国延世大学人文学院历史系教授兼文学院院长。前任季刊《创作与批评》编辑与中国近现代史学会(韩国)会长。近年论著包括:《横观东亚:在核心现场重思东亚历史》(台湾联经出版公司:2016),『共生への道と核心現場: 實踐課題としての東アジア』(東京:法政大學出版部, 2016),《回归东亚:探索中国的近代性》(首尔:创批社,2000),《ポスト〈东アジア〉》(共编)(东京:作品社,2006),《思想东亚:韩半岛视觉的历史与实践》(台北:台社,2009;北京:三联书店,2011),《见识台湾:韩国与台湾共寻新径》(共编)(首尔:创批社,2012年),《在核心现场重思东亚:共生社会之实践课题》(首尔:创批,2013年),《社会人文学之路:作为制度的学术,作为运动的学术》(首尔:创批社,2014年)。目前研究集中于东亚细亚论述比较硏究,和20世纪东亚细亚历史学的历史。


  Monica Bruckmann is a sociologist and Doctor in political science at the Fluminense Federal University in Brazil, the professor at the Department of Political Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; member of the tutors team of Doctor in Science of the Administration of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM); Network Investigator of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations University on the global economy and sustainable development subject, and President of the Latin American Information Agency (ALAI).

  She is member of the network of world economy study (REDEM), located in the Benemérita University of Mexico. She is an assistant of the General Secretariat of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). She is director of the institute of social investigation in Peru. She is special consultant of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), and investigator of Institute of Applied Economics Research (IPEA) in Brazil. She collaborates with the Miranda International Center (CIM) in Venezuela. She is editor of the magazine Communication and Politics, and collaborates with the French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique.



  她还是设在墨西哥普埃布拉博尼梅瑞塔自治大学(REDEM)的全球经济研究网络的成员,南美国家联盟(UNASUR)总秘书长的助理。她曾是(利马)秘鲁世界社会研究所所长,拉丁美洲一体化联邦大学(UNILA)的特约顾问,巴西的应用经济学研究所(IPEA)调查员。她亦跟委内瑞拉的米兰达国际中心(CIM)合作。她是《交通与政治》杂志的编辑,亦跟法国《世界外交论衡》月刊(Le Monde Diplomatique)合作。

  CHANG Tsong-zung

  Chang Tsong-Zung (Johnson Chang) is a curator, the Director of Hanart TZ Gallery, guest professor at China Art Academy, and board director of Asia Art Archive. Chang has been active in curating Chinese exhibitions since the 1980s: major exhibitions include "China’s New Art Post-1989’ " (international tour 1993–98), Special Exhibitions for the Sao Paulo International Biennial (1994 and 1996), Hong Kong official participations at Sao Paulo Biennial (1996) and Venice Biennial (2001), "Power of the Word" (Taiwan and US tour 1999–2002), the "Yellow Box" series of research projects about contemporary art practice and Chinese aesthetic spaces (since 2004). Recent curatorial work includes: co-curator of "Guangzhou Triennial 2008: Farewell to Post-colonialism", "Spiritual Space: A Dimension in Lacquer" (Hubei Museum of Art 2009) and the "West Heavens" series of Indian-Chinese art and intellectual exchanges (presented at the Shanghai Biennale 2010, Guangzhou Triennial 2011 and Shanghai Biennale 2012). Chang was also the co-curator of the 2012 Shanghai Biennale.


  策展人,中国美术学院客座教授,汉雅轩画廊艺术总监,香港亚洲艺术文献库董事会成员。张颂仁的策展专案包括:“后八九:中国新艺术”巡回展(1993 - 1998)、1994圣保罗双年展中国特展、1996圣保罗双年展中国特展及香港馆、2001威尼斯双年展香港馆、“文字的力量”巡回展(1999 - 2002)、“黄盒子:当代艺术与中国空间”系列研究计划(2004年开始)、2009湖北美术馆“造物与空间:当代大漆艺术”、2008“第三届广州三年展:与后殖民说再见”联合策展人、“西天中土”中印学术交流项目的发起人和总监(2010年开始)、2012上海双年展联合策展人等重要艺术活动。


  Partha Chatterjee is a political theorist and historian. He studied at Presidency College in Calcutta, and received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. He divides his time between Columbia University and the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, where he was the Director from 1997 to 2007. He is the author of more than twenty books, monographs and edited volumes and is a founding member of the Subaltern Studies Collective. He as awarded the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize for 2009 for outstanding achievements in the field of Asian studies.

  His books include: The Politics of the Governed: Considerations on Political Society in Most of the World (2004); A Princely Impostor? The Strange and Universal History of the Kumar of Bhawal (2002); A Possible India: Essays in Political Criticism (1997); The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories (1993), and Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse? (1993). He is also a poet, playwright, and actor. In the Mira Nair film The Namesake (2007), he played the role of “A Reformed Hindoo”.


  帕沙•查特吉是一位政治理论家和历史学家,曾在加尔各答院长学院学习,后于美国罗切斯特大学获博士学位。目前,他同时供职于哥伦比亚大学和他在1997年至2007年间担任主任的加尔各答社会科学研究中心。他著有二十余本书籍、专著、论集,是印度“庶民研究小组” 的创办成员。因为他在亚洲研究领域的杰出建树,在2009年获得福冈亚洲文化奖。

  他的著作包括:《被治理者的政治:对世上大多数政治社会的思考》(2004)、《 A Princely Impostor? The Strange and Universal History of the Kumar of Bhawal》 (2002)、《一种可能的印度:政治批判文集》(1997)、《民族国家及其碎片:殖民与后殖民史》(1993)、《民族主义思想和殖民世界: 一种派生话语?》(1993)。他同时也是一位诗人、剧作家、演员。在 Mira Nair的2007年电影《同名同姓》中他出演了一名新派的印度教徒。

  CHEN Kuan-Hsing

  Chen Kuan-Hsing is the professor of the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, and also the convenor of the Center for Asia-Pacific/ Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University. He is the chief editor of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements, and Renjian Thought (traditional Chinese version). He is the author of English version of Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization (2010), Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization (Éditions du Flâneur, 2006).


  台湾交通大学社会与文化研究所教授,交大亚太/文化研究室召集人,并为国际期刊《Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements》主编、《人间思想》(中繁版)期刊主编。著有英文版《Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization》(2010)、《去帝国:亚洲作为方法》(2006)。

  CHEN Pengming

  Chen Pengming is the vice chief-editor at the People’s Publishing House.




  Chen Si received his PhD in modern and contemporary Chinese literature from Department of Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Peking University. He is currently an assistant researcher at the division of contemporary literature, Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.



  CHU Yunhan

  Professor Chu Yunhan graduated from Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University in 1977. He earned his master’s degree in Political Science in 1979. He completed his PhD in political science at the University of Minnesota in 1987. He has been Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, Columbia University and is currently the professor of Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University and distinguished researcher of Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica.

  His research fields include international political economics, East Asian political economics, democratization and social science methodology. He has won the Taiwan Science Committee Research Excellence Award for three times. He serves as President of (Taipei) China Mainland Political Science Association and the executive director of Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. He is also the member of editorial board of Journal of Democracy, International Studies Quarterly, Pacific Affairs, China Review, Journal of Contemporary China, and Journal of East Asian Studies. He is the director of the international academic collaboration project “The Asian Barometer Survey”.



  主要研究领域为国际政治经济学、东亚政治经济、民主化与社会科学方法论,曾三次获得台湾科学委员会研究杰出奖,以及担任(台北)中国大陆政治学会理事长、蒋经国国际学术交流基金会的执行长。还担任《Journal of Democracy》、《International Studies Quarterly》《Pacific Affairs》《China Review》《Journal of Contemporary China》、《Journal of East Asian Studies》等重要国际学术期刊的编辑委员会,以及“亚洲民主动态调查”国际学术合作项目的负责人。

  FU Peng

  Fu Peng graduated from the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University in 2012 with a doctor’s degree. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University. His current research interests are British cultural studies, history of modern and contemporary Chinese literature and thought, especially the history, politics, culture and literature of the contemporary working class. He has published more than ten papers in journals such as Literary Review and Modern Chinese Literature Studies.



  GAO Shiming

  Gao Shiming is a curator based in Hangzhou, China. He is professor and vice president of China Academy of Art. He has been publishing books and catalogues including Visual Thinking: Intangible Dialogue between Art and Phenomenology, 2002; A Visual Report: Migration of Contemporary Art and Geopolitics in Asia, 2003; Farewell to Post-colonialism, 2008; Rehearsal, and Ho Chi Minh Trail, 2010; All things Lethal Remain Unutterable, 2011; Book in Action: On Curatorial Writing, 2012; Post/Colonial Condition of Knowledge: A Contemporary Asian Thought Reader, 2012; Reflecta: Sound and Image After 2000, 2013; West Heavens: China- India Summit on Social Thoughts, 2014; Three Parallel Artworlds: 100 Art Things from Chinese Modern History, 2015. He initiated the Renjian Thought Review in 2013 and is the editor in chief of this intellectual Journal, as well as the book series.



  HENG Siam-Heng

  Heng Siam-Heng is a retired professor. His academic appointments have been with Free University of Amsterdam, University of South Australia, National University of Singapore, Fudan University of China, National Chung Hsing University of Taiwan, National University of Malaysia, and Chiang Mai University of Thailand. His most recent book is Global Financial Crisis and Challenges for China, co-authored with Yang Mu.



  HU Daping

  Hu Daping is the deputy dean of School of Marxism studies, and Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University. He is also a researcher at the Center for Studies of Marxist Social Theory, Nanjing University.



  Yoshihiko IKEGAMI

  Ikegami was the former editor-in-Chief of Gendai Shiso. He is also the author of 20 years of Gendai Shiso.




  Jiang Hui is Associate Professor at Department of Chinese Literature and Linguistics, the deputy director in the International Center for Critical Theory, and member of The Center for African Studies, Peking University. He is the editor of Frontiers of Literary Studies in China. He is also serving as standing director for The National Association for the study of Zhao Shuli. He is also the senior visiting scholar at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.


  北京大学中国语言文学系国际批评理论中心北京中心副主任,副教授。北大非洲研究中心成员,全国赵树理研究会常务理事,《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China》杂志责任编辑,南非金山大学高级访问学者。

  JOMO Kwame Sundaram

  Jomo Kwame Sundaram holds the Tun Hussein Onn Chair in International Studies at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia, and is Visiting Senior Fellow at Khazanah Research Institute, Visiting Fellow at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, and Adjunct Professor at the International Islamic University in Malaysia. He was Professor at the University of Malaya (1986-2004), Founder-Chair of International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development (2005-2012), Research Coordinator for the G24 Intergovernmental Group on International Monetary Affairs and Development during 2006-2012, and Assistant Director General for Economic and Social Development, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (2012-2015). He has authored and edited over a hundred books and translated 12 volumes besides writing many academic papers and media articles. He has received several honours and awards for his work including the 2007 Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought.


  卓莫•夸梅•桑达拉姆现任马来西亚战略与国际研究所国际研究敦胡先翁主席(Tun Hussein Onn Chair)、国库控股研究机构(Khazanah Research Institute)客座高级研究员、哥伦比亚大学政策对话倡导组织(IPD)的客座研究员、马来西亚国际伊斯兰大学的兼职教授。他曾任马来西亚大学教授(1986-2004年),国际发展经济学会创始主席(IDEAs)、联合国经济与社会事务部负责经济发展的助理秘书长(2005-2012年),国际货币事务与发展之政府间二十四国集团(G24)研究协调员(2006-2012年),联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO)经济和社会发展部的助理总干事(2012-2015年)。他曾主笔或主编过100多本书,翻译过12卷文本,并发表过多篇学术论文和媒体文章。他的工作获得了多项荣誉和奖项,其中包括因开拓经济学思想前沿而获2007年列昂杰夫经济学奖。

  KIM Sung-Kyung

  Sung Kyung Kim is currently working as Assistant Professor at the University of North Korean Studies, Seoul, Korea. She obtained her Ph. D at the University of Essex, Department of Sociology, and worked at Institute for East Asian Studies, Sungkonghoe University as a research professor. She was invited as a senior visiting fellow at Asia Research Institute (ARI) at National University of Singapore (NUS), and worked as a lecturer in the department of sociology at NUS. Her research interests are mobility in Asia; North Korean defectors; Asian film studies; cultural geography; Asian popular culture; political economy of cultural industry in Asia and etc. Recent publications are in the field of Asian mobility, North Korean defectors, migration studies, and cultural industry.



  KUO Jia

  Kuo Jia was born in Beijing in the 1980s and graduated from the School of International Studies and the Department of Philosophy, Peking University. She is currently enrolled in a graduate program in the Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University. Her research interest is labor bands and culture in China. She is the executive editor of Renjian Thought Review (Traditional Chinese Edition).



  Rachmi Diyah LARASATI

  Rachmi Diyah Larasati is an associate professor of cultural theory and historiography in the Department of Theatre Arts & Dance at the University of Minnesota. She is also a faculty advisor and affiliate of the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change, and an affiliate faculty in the feminist studies (GWSS) and Asian Literatures, Cultures, and Media departments. Her book, The Dance that Makes You Vanish: Cultural Reconstruction in Post-Genocide Indonesia (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) theorized global corporeal commodification through genocide. Since then, She have published articles focusing on decolonialization and feminist third world tactics of transnationalism. Her new book project, Dancing in the Forest: Modern Machine and Audio Politics of Land Narrative, interrogates the aesthetic encounter between indigenous voices and capitalist noise within neoliberal space. Her most recent writings are: "The Rethinking of Remembering: Who Lays Claim to Speech in the Wake of Catastrophe? ; “From Che to Guantanamera: Decolonizing the Corporeality of the Displaced; “The Dancing Goddess: Ecological Memory, Technique, and the Inquiry of Value in Globalized Space “Theorizing the Archive: Corporealness, Decolonization of Thinking and Tactics, and Playfulness of Memory".



  LI Na

  Li Na graduated from Fudan University, is the associate research fellow at the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She specializes in Taiwanese literature, and recently in Left-wing literature in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule and also in Taiwanese aboriginal music and history. She is the author of Lin-Ban Song, Tribal Records (Renjian Publisher, 2013), The Field of Fiction: The Twists and Turns of Maizuru’s Creation and Taiwan’s Modernity (CASS Press, 2016), and is the editor of No Regrets: Memoirs of Chen Mingzhong (SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2016).


  毕业于复旦大学,中国社会科学院文学所副研究员。从事台湾文学研究。近年来关注日据时代以来左翼文学,及原住民音乐与历史。著有《林班歌 部落志》(人间,2013);《小说田野:舞鹤创作与台湾现代性的曲折》(中国社科,2016);编有《东亚视野中的台湾文学》(中国社科院,2010);整理编辑《无悔:陈明忠回忆录》(三联,2016)。

  LIN Min

  Lin Min is a senior editor of People's Publishing House, where she has been doing editorial work since her graduation from graduate school in 1989. Her editorial projects have been selected as the National Key Project Planning Book for numerous times, including award-winning titles such as Telling Chinese History (by Frederic Wakeman Jr.), Asia in the Making of Europe: A Century of Discovery (by Donald F. Lach), and The Compendium of Chinese Literature (by Zhu Defa).



  LIU Zhaohua

  Liu Zhaohua is the editor-in-chief of Open Times.



  LIU Zhuo

  Liu Zhuo is the assistant researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Her research mainly focuses on modern and contemporary Chinese literature, literary and art theory.



  LU Xinghua

  Lu Xinghua is the Professor of Department of Philosophy at Tongji University. He specializes in the studies of contemporary French philosophy, focusing on political philosophy, aesthetics, and art theory. His most recent researches engage with the works of Derrida, Barthes, Ranciere, Agamben, Badiou and Zizek. He has made long term contribution of introducing French radical political theory to the Chinese academic circle. His writings cover the areas of art, politics and philosophy.



  LUO Cheng

  Luo Cheng, PhD, graduated from School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University. He has been teaching in Department of Chinese Literature and Linguistics at Sun Yat-san University since 2009. His research interest in recent years mainly focuses on the thoughts of arts, historical practice, and culture studies of modern China. His recent publication includes “‘Event’ as method, ‘Renjian’ as purpose”, “The dark side of Renaissance-‘Renaissance’ and ‘colonial scramble’ as two sides of a coin”, “Confucian tradition and the practice of reconstructing Chinese society”.



  Mahmood MAMDANI

  Mahmood Mamdani is a Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Columbia University in New York City and Professor and Director of Makerere Institute of Social Research in Uganda. Mamdani specializes in the study of African and international politics, colonialism and post-colonialism, the politics of knowledge production. His representative works include - Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism (Princeton, 1996), When Victims Become Killers: colonialism, Nativism and the Genocide in Rwanda (Princeton, 2002), Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror (Pantheon, 2010).



  Daniel Alejandro MATO

  Doctor in Social Sciences. Principal Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research and at Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Argentina. In 2007 he established the Project on Cultural Diversity and Interculturality in Higher Education of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, which he has chaired since then (ad honorem since 2012). In 2012 he established the Program on Higher Education with Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants in Latin America at UNTREF, and in 2014 lead the creation of the Latin American Inter-University Network on Higher Education with Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants (currently 40 universities from 9 Latin American countries). He has formerly been the founding chair of the Section on Culture, Politics and Power of the Latin American Studies Association, as well as of the Working Group on Culture and Power of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences. Between 1979 and 2010 he was a research-professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela, and a Visiting Professor at several universities in various Latin American countries, Spain and the US. Since 1986, he has developed various work experiences in collaboration with indigenous and Afro-descendant intellectuals and organizations from several Latin American countries. He is the author of numerous articles and books on cultural diversity and higher education, as well as on culture, communication, and social transformations.



  NI Wei

  Ni wei is the associate professor in the Department of Chinese at Fudan University, chief editor of Refeng Xueshu. His research fields include 20th century Chinese literature and intellectual history, cultural theory and popular cultural studies.



  PAIK Won-Dam

  Paik Won-dam currently is Professor in Department Chinese Studies and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Graduate Course, and Director of Institute for East Asian Studies, Sungkonghoe University. Her research concerns alternative regionalism and cultural solidarity across Asia. She is also a member of the editorial board of 황해문화 (Hwanghae Review) and Renjian Thought Review. She has organized many international conferences. She has published many books and articles about modern Chinese culture and east-Asian thoughts, and the most recent books and articles are (in Korean): New China and Korean War; The Birth of Cold War Asia (2013) ; The Production and Regulation of Culture in East Asia (2012), Cultural Landscape of the Cold Asia I (2008), Cultural Landscape of the Cold Asia II (2009); (in English) The 60th Anniversary of the Bandung Conference and Asia (2016), (in Chinese) 1960-70年代亞洲的不結盟/第三世界運動和民族•民眾概念的創新(2015), 亚洲民族主义与5.4(2012)



  Praveen JHA

  Praveen Jha is a Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning and Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. His major area of research and teaching is Political Economy of Development, with special focus on Labour and Agriculture.

  He has been a Visiting Fellow to a number of Universities and Institutions abroad. These include : the University of Bremen, the University of Kassel and the Leipzig University, Germany, the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin, China and the International Labour Organisation, Geneva.

  Currently, he is also a Visiting Professor at the Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa and the Sam Moyo African Institute of Agrarian Studies, Harare, Zimbabwe. He is one of the editors of the Journal: Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy. He has been associated as a researcher with several UN Institutions including the UNDP, the UNICEF, the FAO and the ILO.




  目前,他还是南非罗德斯大学以及津巴布韦的萨姆•莫约非洲农业研究所的客座教授。他是期刊《Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy》的编辑之一,并任联合国开发计划署、联合国儿童基金会、联合国粮食与农业组织、国际劳工组织在内等多所联合国机构的联合研究员。

  Nishant SHAH

  Nishant is the founder and Director of Research for the Bangalore-based Centre for Internet and Society. His doctoral work at the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, examines the production of a Technosocial Subject at the intersections of law, Internet technologies and everyday cultural practices in India. As an Asia Scholarship Fellow (2008-2009), he also initiated a study that looks at what goes into the making of an IT City in India and China. He is the series editor for a three year collaborative project on “Histories of the Internet(s) in India” that maps nine alternative histories that promote new ways of understanding the technological revolution in the country.





  SUN Ge

  PhD in Political Science, is researcher of Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Her research focuses on intellectual history of postwar Japan. She is the author of The Space of Subject Dispersion (Jiangxi Education Press, 2002), The Paradox of Takeuchi Yoshimi (Peking University Press, 2005), The Position of Literature (Shandong Education Press, 2009), Seize the Moment of Entering History (Renjian Publisher, 2010), Why Should We Talk about East Asia, SDX Joint Publishing, 2011), Historicising China: Dialogue on area studies and its epistemology (co-authored with Liu Zhiwei, Wholly Friendship Bookstore, 2014) and In Search for the “Essence” of History: a study on Mizoguchi Yūzo's writings on Chinese intellectual history. She provided over the Chinese translation of The Overcoming of the Modernity (SDX Joint Publishing, 2005) and The Collections of Mizoguchi Yūzo’s writings (eight volumes, SDX Joint Publishing, 2011-2014).

  TIAN Linian

  Tian Linian received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Peking University in 1998. He teaches at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Jiaotong University. He is the translator of The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World, Morgenröte: Gedanken über die moralischen Vorurteile, Nietzsche and the Classical tradition, Nietzsche’s View of Socrates, Friedrich Nietzsche: zur Einführung, and many other books.




  Wakabayashi’s research and teaching focus on contemporary Okinawan history, Okinawa-Japan-East Asia-US relations, twentieth-century East Asian and international History, and politics of culture. Wakabayashi received a Ph.D. from Tsuda College (International Studies). Recent works are “Re-imagining a ‘Place’ (再び、場所を想像する)” in Gendai Shiso (現代思想), December 2012, and she published Jeep and dust: political society in Okinawa under

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